Saturday, August 15, 2009

Spending time with cousin Hollynn

What can I say, but it was sooo nice to have Hollynn here to stay with us a bit this summer. Sometimes I felt like I had my own personal nanny right there beside me at all times, and I know Spence really enjoyed seeing a new face around the house. She entertained him and he entertained all of us! It's amazing that even a 15 month old wants to show out in front of house visitors.

Of course we stayed busy the entire visit, but we were very productive. We got a pedicure, her hair cut, her teeth cleaned and filled, went swimming, went shopping at Justice ( that was a new adventure for myself), and went to American Girl Doll Boutique at the mall, another new adventure for me and NO ONE IS TO TELL OUR DAUGHTER ABOUT THIS PLACE, and she came to work with me a couple of days! It was a hard time, but we managed :) We truly enjoyed having her stay with us and miss her very much. Thanks Hollynn for all your help with our little man! We love you.

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