Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Fun!

What a busy, busy summer for this little man. I've posted some of our favorite pics from some of our favorite outings. He's changed so much since his first birthday and I'm learning a lot about this amazing person. We are loving spending every minute with him and waiting to see what he's going to do next. And just so you know, he's finally getting his "tude". He is very normal and has his little, or big, tantrums when he feels like it. Sometimes I can't help but laugh at him. Oh well.


  1. I can't wait to see the all the pictures. He is such a cute kid!

  2. Love the pictures! Glad to see there is ONE of mommy!!!! Daddy needs to take more pictures of mommy and Spence!

  3. You have one cute little man. I love that kid!

  4. Love these pictures! What a cutie!
    Thanks for sharing!
    MOM G
