Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ready for number 2!

At this point we are just at that sit and wait point that just about can drive you crazy! The wait part is what it is, but let's be real, I'm doing anything but sitting. This baby girl will be here anytime and I find myself continually thinking of things I need to do to be overly ready. If she did come, yes, we're ready, but having laundry caught up, the house clean, the nursery and Spence's new room as organized as possible, bags packed for the hospital, camara's ready and charged, okay you get my point. OVERLY READY! It doesn't hurt.

We are also in the process of moving the dental practice to a new building. I will post pics as soon as the office is complete. It's very exciting and to be honest we are really glad she decided not to come this past weekend. Spencer has been working extremely hard to get as much done as he can and it looks as if we could definitely open the office back up on Tuesday. Very exciting for both of us and it really looks good.

Some additional thoughts I would like to share about this pregnancy as we know the BIG DAY approaches us soon...

  • Not finding out your pregnant until 10 weeks into it is fabulous and this pregnancy has absolutely flown by

  • I've really enjoyed this pregnancy and have been amazed at how different it was from carrying Spence, COMPLETELY DIFFFERENT, but not having to go to the specialist every 2 weeks and the OB once a month sure did help

  • The upside...she moved a lot and I truly enjoyed every second of it, she just started having the hiccups 2 weeks ago, I gained plenty of weight and swelled, but not as much as before, I have the nursery ready and getting even more excited to have a girl on the way

  • The downside...these early contractions are NOT friendly and the physical pain they cause is very scary, I can cry over just about anything at this point and being an emotional person is not for me, losing lots of sleep, nothing fits this body anymore!!

  • Anxiety level is rising everyday thinking about having two kids 16 months apart, but the excitement level is beyond imaginable

  • Working until 36 weeks was great for me and I loved every second of it. We have a wonderful team down there and great patients. They have all been very understanding and supportive, especially towards the end when I moved a little bit slower

  • One thing I've learned about myself that I hope will make me a better mom is knowing my limitations, it's never easy for me to stop and say "I'm done", but finding out after it's too late isn't fun either. My goal is to know before.

  • Praying for a smooth delivery and healthy baby girl, praying the (+) Strep B will not cause any complications for the baby or myself, and praying we don't go into labor in the middle of the night!

Let me just quickly share one more thing. Spence is an absolute gift from God. I don't know how we got so lucky, and trust me Spencer and I ask ourselves that question everyday, but there is not a day that passes that we don't thank our Heavenly Father for that special child that belongs to us. We know he's going to be a great BIG brother, and in time, we will all adjust to adding another precious miracle to our family. Our Sunday School teacher quoted Charles Swindoll the other day and man it really stuck with me. "EXPECT NOTHING, APPRECIATE EVERYTHING." So simple, yet so true with everything in life.


  1. LOVE the nursery!!!! Can't wait to see the new Griffeth girl! Please take care! Maybe this is the week!
    MOM G

  2. How cute is that room! I love it.

    Can't wait for the "Leigh is in labor" phone call. We're so excited for you guys.

  3. You definitely made that nursery all girl! Love it! Keep us posted....I can't wait to see her!

  4. You have made her room SO darling! I saw that bedding a few months ago and fell in LOVE with it!! We can't wait for your sweet new addition to arrive!

  5. Hi Leigh! The nursery turned out so cute. Her bedding is adorable. (So jealous!!)
    Hope everything goes well with the delivery and i can't wait to see pictures of her.
