Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Reality is finally setting in for me, and the excitement. I guess it's about time, considering I'm already over 3 months now. Time flies and this has been pretty crazy. The baby is so big, and again they tell me, VERY ACTIVE. We've had two ultrasounds, and both of them showed the baby wiggling, waving, and moving all around. Babies are truly a gift from God and I could sit there for hours just watching in amazement, thinking I still can't believe that little thing is inside me. We have lots to look forward to, and lots to get ready for. It looks like Spence is going to have a new room sooner than we thought, but I'm sure he will adjust fine. He's going to be the best big brother.

The appointments all went very well, except for Spence getting very upset during our first U/S when he saw the lights go off, I layed down on the table, and all of a sudden this lady is doing weird things to mama. He was very confused and VERY upset until I sat up and the lights came back on. Needless to say, my second U/S was great and Dr. Barrett spent a lot of time with me explaining things. Both, the baby and myself, are doing great right now.

Again, our family is very excited about the baby and know the Lord had a different plan in mind for our life. It's been a miraculous blessing and we look forward to sharing this experience once again with all of our family and friends.


  1. We are SO excited for this new addition! You are such a great mom! Can't wait!
    Grandma G

  2. Praising God for this amazing miracle! Love you - and so blessed by our friendship.

  3. Wow, Leigh! How exciting is that!!!! :) What a blessing this next little one will be to your family. (Just keep your receipts for Babies R Us! ha!). Congratulations! Hope to see you soon! Penny

  4. We are so excited for you all! Can't wait for more updates!

  5. congrats! that's exciting! hope everything goes well. we're still trying to find a time to come get our teeth cleaned. jonathan can't take any days off from work yet. but hopefully soon. how's lil' spence liking the baby signing time? is he using the signs? if you're done with them i would like to have them back, but if not keep them as long as you need. :) take care! can't wait for more updates.

  6. So happy for you both! Christa told me the good news. I'm glad you have this blog because it helps me to stay in touch with you. I'm praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you!

  7. Congratulations, Spencer and Leigh. I think your little man is so darling- you should have a baby every year! Hope all goes well.
