Thursday, March 5, 2009

We've been teaching Spence lots of new stuff this month, but this has to be one of the funnest for me. He now tries to turn on his own without me telling him to "turn around", but sometimes he needs a little more instruction. Lately, he has been "turning" way too early. It's pretty funny. It really didn't take him long to learn, and he gets so excited everytime he gets the chance to go up or down the stairs. He is so adventurous, curious, and sometimes stubborn. Can they really be stubborn at 11 months old?

We are also trying to teach him "No".

  • "No, Spence. That's Buddy's food."
  • "No, Spence. That's Buddy's water."
  • "No, Spence. That's Buddy's room." (laundry room)
  • "No, Spence. That's the potty. We don't play in the potty."
  • "No, Spence. We don't throw our food on the floor to feed Buddy."
  • "No, Spence. Don't eat that!"

I must say, he's doing pretty good with all the "no's", but usually it takes several at a time. I guess this is normal??? We are having fun though and try to let him be as adventurous as we can and keeping it in safe relms. He, like most, tries to push the limits. How do they learn this so early? Natural instinct I guess.

Walking, well, let's just say, he's getting pretty lazy with trying that. I have to really motivate him to move on his feet instead of his knees, but I know it will come. I can see in his eyes that he wishes he could move as fast as I do, but he's a speed demon on those knees.


  1. That was HILARIOUS! We were all cracking up! Babies have the funniest sense of spacial perception! He's adorable, as always!

  2. Great video! Nate does the same thing at the park. He always goes down the slide on his belly and he turns around really far away from the slide!

    can't wait to see that little dude.

  3. Love it! It was like he was driving a car...hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Hope to see you all soon!

  4. Hi Leigh! Okay, I was cracking up at the video! TOOO funny! Lukas loves the stairs as well, although I haven't tried to teach him to come down yet. I couldn't find him the other day for like 3 minutes, and he had gone ALL the way upstairs, down the hall, into our bedroom by himself! I almost had a heart attack thinking that he could've fallen down the stairs! yikes! They are so fun, though, aren't they?!!!

  5. I LOVE the video! It is priceless to see him learn so quickly! Thanks for sharing!
    MOM G

  6. That is too precious! I was LOL at him backing up. So cute!
