Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Celebrating 30 in NYC!

So I didn't want to forget to tell all of you what a fabulous time we had on trip to New York. Of course I love going and have been often, but this trip was a little different for me. We did things that I've always wanted to do, but never have, and finally did. It was great! First of all, we went ice skating at the Rockefeller Plaza. The weather was beautiful as the snow lightly fell on our heads, and not too cold. But when you are working as hard as I was NOT to fall, then you are almost working up a sweat, no matter what the temp. Spencer, of course, can ice skate fairly well. I have to say, he did loose it once, and it was quite funny. I, on the other hand, have only been one other time in my life, and that's been well over 10 years ago. Time flies! We skated a couple of hours, just long enough to work up a good appetite. We found a tremendous Soup Kitchen that tasted wonderful and hit the spot.

Next, we saw Wicked on Broadway, and I LOVED IT. It was an excellent show and the tickets we had probably made it that much better. Spencer found a man (missing several teeth, I might add) selling them down at Time Square and they were his last two orchestra seats. Although I was VERY hesitant for Spencer to buy them, we made sure they were valid. We were 8 or 9 rows back and in full view. Loved the seats and loved the show even more! Highly recommend.

Finally, last, but not least, the Giants game! The highlight of the trip and an experience I believe everyone should have at least once in their life. There is nothing like NY fans and football too. Although the Giants lost that game, we never regretted one second. We had a blast! It was very cold weather too, but we went prepared for it all. We had our hand warmers, foot warmers, 'toboggans', heavy coats, and hot chocolate of course. However, Spencer really didn't need the heavy coat or warmers because of the 400 lb of "NYC love" sitting right beside him, or halfway on top of him. Put it this way, the only thing that man was wearing in the blistering cold weather was a sweat shirt with sweat pants. Uh, that's it. Very nice guy though.

Oh, how could I forget, the HOTEL! That was an experience all in itself, and unforgettable. The Belnord, do I need to say more. Just a little, maybe. They did not have ESPN, or even know what it was; when you sat down on the FULL size bed, it scooted clear across the room, but that was only 2 feet on both sides until it reached the wall; we woke up SATURDAY morning to the sound of construction on our hallway; and when you opened the bathroom door, watch out because right there is the camode. I must say it was a cost effecient room, and served its purpose, but probably will never stay there again.

We did a lot, saw a lot, ate a lot, and loved every minute of it, but I could not describe in words how bad we both missed our little man. In all honesty, after all the excitement was over, we tried to get a flight home the night before. Oh well, we missed him:)


  1. How FUN! I love that city . . . glad you had such a good time.

  2. Thanks for sharing about your trip! We never did hear all the details!
    MOM G

  3. I'm glad you all were able to sneak in a trip! I'm sure little man missed his mom and dad as much as they missed him!

  4. You guys had already told us about your trip...and I still laughed the whole time reading it! Great memories!
