Wednesday, January 28, 2009

9 Month "First"

Many things have taken place this month, including several new adventures from our busy little man. He had his 9 month check up about a week ago and as expected, he is getting BIGGER and L-O-N-G-E-R. We are so excited for his continual growth and development, especially after having what his daddy calls an "anorexic baby". We are well beyond that 6th % and now reaching 70th % in weight and 75th % in height. Oh, we can't forget to mention his head is also 70th %, however, we think she was being quite generous on the measurement as you can see. It was quite a shock to us though to find out he had a double ear infection, with pus found in both. They asked several questions only to get "no" for most of the answers. They did say that had his appointment not been that day, we would have been in to see the doc within 2-4 days because it would have gotten so bad. We were very grateful to catch it in the early stages. He's doing great!

We also took Spence to visit my best friends, Misty and Matt, for an evening. The picture is just one example of just how busy he gets. Trust me, it does look a lot worse that what it was, although we never did find where in his mouth he was bleeding from. Misty was so worried about him she called for a couple of days to check on him. I kept reminding her that Spence has not missed a meal so he must be fine! We had a good time and appreciate all their patience.

Lastly, Spence got his first haircut the other night. It was exciting for us and him of course. Spencer and I were both tired of seeing the hair growing over his ears. He was just a jabber box the entire time I was trimming. I must say it looks nice, but too grown up, so I stopped there and didn't cut anymore. He was a trooper and did great. We love our boy and can't believe he will be a year old in 2 months!


  1. What a cutie! I can't believe he didn't cry while you trimmed his hair! Olivia screams every time I try to do it. :)

  2. He's so big and cute. That's quite a picture from Misty's! Nate is a trooper with his hair cuts, too. He kinda likes it!

  3. What a cute boy! Love the update!

  4. He is SO cute and WE love him to death! Thanks for the cute posts!
    MOM G
