Thursday, January 22, 2009

Surprise 80th Birthday Party For Memaw

I've just about decided to add another profession into my surprise parties! How fun! We had a blast and Memaw was completely shocked, and probably a little overwhelmed with excitement. You can see the pictures pretty much say it all. Spencer and I told her we were going to a nice dinner for her birthday and instead we took her to the church where everyone was waiting to surprise her. Before we walked in the lights were off and not a peep was heard. We opened the door and they turned the lights on, played "Happy Birthday" on the piano and sang to her as well. Spencer had also made a slideshow of old and new family photos that continuously ran the entire time. She was so shocked I thought she was going to collapse. She is "80" now. It was a little worrisome at first, but she did fine and tears continued to flow the entire evening. Her daughter from Memphis decided to come in to surprise her too, so that was the highlight of her party.

This was one of the most special moments our family has had and I'm so excited for my grandmother. She deserves it. There were lots of fellowship with family and friends, tons of gifts that she gladly opened, and of course, plenty of yummy cake and food.


  1. You are good at surprises...sounds like it was lots of fun! The cake looks great!

  2. What a neat 80th gift! I will let you plan mine, too! You are VERY good at surprise parties!

  3. Hey Leigh! I am so shocked that I found you on here! Your Little Man is beautiful! I miss hearing from you. I try to stay in touch with Dennis but he is just always so busy. I wish I would have known about MeMaw's Birthday Party, Corey and I would have loved to have came! So... How are you? My email address is if that is easier. I have a blog, but hardly use it because I don't really have anything noteworthy to blog about... I would love to hear from you! Hope all is well and Congratulations on the baby! (Wow, it has been a while, sorry)
    ~Glenda Green Bline
