Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Little "Spider Man"

I could not go a day longer without posting our halloween pics of Lil' Spence. He had a very busy day watching the trick-o-treaters at the office and then traveling down to eat with my parents. I must say he was the most adorable spider I've ever seen. He got lots of attention, and to be honest, I do believe he ate it all up! All though it's been a while since I've blogged, we are so proud of our son and enjoy every second watching him grow. Just to give you an idea of how his world continues to change, he is now...

  • nearly 7 months old

  • weighs 20 lbs

  • sits up on his own

  • becoming mobile rolling on the floor

  • loves his bathtime

  • loves eating anything, and is always hungry:)

  • can mumble "maaamuuh"
  • trying to crawl

We have officially determined, however, that this little munchkin is very spoiled, but he loves his mama and daddy.


  1. You are NEVER allowed to go that long without blogging, again! He has changed SOOO much! Oh my goodness!

    Love the spider. He's such a cute little man!

  2. Too cute. I hope we can see him next week! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  3. How cute!! Owen wore the same spider outfit when he was 5 months old! Good choice. :)

  4. Awwww. .. he is SUPER cute in his spider costume! I can't believe he's actually passed Lukas in weight! (he was 18 pounds at his last 6 month visit last week). That's great!!! - Penny

  5. Yeah! I love the pictures! Just caught that you had updated the blog on Alisha's blog! Thanks for sharing! He is even CUTER in person and so fun!
    MOM G

  6. What a doll! I love his spider costume!
