Monday, November 17, 2008

Drama, Drama, and more DRAMA!

It's funny to me the things you learn not to do, only AFTER you make the mistake of doing them in the first place. I put Spence down for his nap and to my surprise he slept for almost 2 1/2 hours. Not like him at all, but it was nice and well needed for the busy little man. However, when he woke up, he woke up and was ready to get out of the crib. For the first time ever, I decided to shut his door ALL THE WAY and at first thought this was a great idea. Until...I went to get him and could not get the door open. I called for Spencer to come and try because I seriously could not open it. He tried as well and then ended up unscrewing the door knob, but that didn't work either. Keep in mind Lil' Spence's talking was now turning into getting upset and fussing. After removing the door knob he still could not get it open. I was beginning to get a little upset myself because Spence QUICKLY got extremely agitated and scared. He could hear us out there and it was getting worse and worse. So daddy to the rescue...the door came down! Yes, he had to kick the door in and bust through. Not good, but I was able to get to the little man, who had tears flowing at this point. It's all good now and he's still our happy boy full of energy. Sometimes I still can't believe he is 7 months old.


  1. Oh no! I hate to hear about the door, but I know that no one nor anything is going to get in the way of Leigh getting to baby Spence. I love the fall pictures!

  2. He is so big! Great pictures of him. Sorry to hear about the door. I'm sure you were panicked!

  3. So cute! He is SO cute in person, too! Sorry about the door, too. I am sure I know someone who can help fix it!
    MOM G

  4. I LOVE the new pictures! I can't believe you have updated your blog twice within a month!!! :) Start preparing for the Christmas blog now...because it will be here soon! Love ya!
