Saturday, July 5, 2008

Time to catch up!!!

Sometimes I don't realize just how fast time can fly, but I promise that I never stop taking pictures. Not to make any excuses, we have been extremely busy the last month and a half. We never thought that trying to run a dental practice, remodel a building, have basal cell carcinomas removed, mastitis, little mans first immunizations (nobody could have ever prepared us for the trauma of that experience although there is still much debate about who was hurt worse - Spence or Mom), all while trying to meet the day to day demands of regular work schedules and raising a newborn would require so much time. Let's just say that a week away from everything is just what the doctors ordered. After a week of vacation coming up, we hope to get Spence's announcement mailed out. He changes everyday, and everyday we grow more and more attached. We already feel like such a close family (though Buddy continues to feel neglected and jealous) and we believe that we make an amazing team. One part could not work without the other.

One of the funniest changes he has made are his different ways of talking to us. He has a way to tell us he's hungry( and tells everyone else within a mile who can hear), a way to tell us he's happy and just wants to talk, he tells us when he needs his diaper changed, when he's tired, and when he just wants to be held. Which is probably my favorite because we LOVE to snuggle. Ultimately, we feel very blessed to have a healthy, happy baby boy. It does become a little depressing to see how fast he changes though we do realize that it is all part of a bigger process that will someday end up in the same place that we are now. During the last month and a half he has graduated from the little bed we had inside his crib, many of his first sets of clothing and the majority of his newborn hair. We have taken too many pictures to post here, but please enjoy another great slide show.


  1. We LOVE this little boy!!!! He is precious! You are both such great parents! We can't wait to have a week with you!!!
    See you tomorrow!
    MOM G

  2. What a sweet baby! I can't wait to meet him TOMORROW!!!

  3. Love the update! We can't wait to see your little man!

  4. He's BEAUTIFUL. The photos don't do him justice! I'm sooo glad I finally got to meet the little man and witness his first laugh. :)

  5. Hey! This is Katie Robbins...I am a friend of Spencer's from Marietta. I found your blog through Grant's and just wanted to tell Spencer hi and congratulations on your cute little Spencer! He is adorable!
