Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Push!....Push!....One more time...PUSH!

Okay, just joking, I was going to share with you some of the details from my labor, but instead I will share some of the exciting new changes taking place with Lil' Spence. He will be 6 weeks old Thursday and our 10 pounder is getting soooo BIG. Honestly, it makes me cry to think about how fast time really does go by and before I know it he will be crawling. Everyday is a new adventure for this first time momma, but I'm learning fast!!!
Looking back from his delivery to now...

  • I never thought I could feel so many different emotions at once until we brought him home for the first time

  • We will never forget how he quivered his little chin and let out the cutest whimper, now however, is a quivering chin with a huge wail

  • It's amazing how you can stare at them for hours without blinking an eye because you don't want to miss a thing

  • I've never apologized so much to so many people for burps, poots, and major poops. But at the same time so excited because I know my little man feels so much relief (even if he does decide to have a blow out on Chanda's mom bedroom quilt-sorry)
  • Giving him his first bath was so much fun
  • Letting him sleep in his crib for the first time was so scary

  • We could not be more proud of our son and to call ourselves his parents. Isn't it funny that you realize as parents, you think your kids are the cutest, the brightest, and are mesmerized by everything they do

  • When he scratched his face with his little nails and had his first tear, I cried with him

  • The feeling you get inside when they look up at you and grin and coo for the first time is unbelievable and unforgettable

  • We absolutely love how he snuggles so close to us when we hold him

  • I will never forget how sad I was when he grew out of his Newborn clothes, but thankful my little man is growing
  • His Baby Dedication was wonderful and one of the most precious moments we've shared together as a family

So as we began this journey with my water breaking at 3:30 in the morning, after an intense 3 1/2 hours of pushing, and finally delivering him at 3:43 in the afternoon on April 10, we could not feel more blessed by this miraculous gift from God. We thank Him everyday for giving us this opportunity to be parents and protecting us through the beginning of the pregnancy to the end of the delivery, and to now.


  1. What a precious boy! He is so much fun to hold and snuggle! We are so glad we are close enough to enjoy him!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures!
    MOM G

  2. Thanks for the update! You are such a great MOM! We can't wait to see you all this weekend!

  3. We are so glad that everything is going so well for you all. We are so happy for you and we can't wait to see the little guy. By then he will be walking I am sure. It is so amazing how quickly they do grow up.

  4. How cute is he! It's amazing how fast they grow...luckily each stage brings new fun and excitement to enjoy!

    I REALLY want to see his cute room. Can you post pictures, please? :)
