Thursday, May 8, 2008

A New Beginning For The Georgia Griffeths

As a 1 month celebration of our son, Spencer Michael, we want to try to share highlights, lowlights, twilights, and flashlights of our life and it's craziness. It's hard to believe that the little man is already potty trained and walking at 1 month old. Okay... we all know that is not true, but we are truly enjoying the bundle of joy the Lord has blessed us with. From the wimpers, to the wails of cries, the bottom "blowouts", the everyday hiccups, our little "binky boy" has without a doubt developed his own unique personality. And trust us, it is not easy for two hardheaded dentist to easily give in to the pacifier, but some things do change :) Everyday with Spence is a new, exciting day and full of new memories of things he does that I know we will never forget as his parents. Parents...that is one word we are still adjusting to. We want to thank those who have taken the time to share in his young life already, whether coming to visit or calling to check on us. Please enjoy the slide show of some of our favorite pictures. (You can click on the slide show and go and view the album and a better slide show if you want).


  1. YEAH! I'm glad to see you guys are back up and running with the ol' blog. We'll give you another month or so to adjust, and then we'll start hounding you to update often so we can see our little nephew grow up.

    He's such a cutie! I love the "home grown" onesie. I really wanted that one for Nate! We can't WAIT to meet little Spence.

  2. He is just beautiful!! I wish y'all were still here in Augusta so I could give him some kisses!! Glad y'all are doing so well and thanks for keeping us updated, we miss you guys!
    The Sunday school class is very fertile right now!! One just born and three more on the way! It's a baby boom!!
    Oh, and Christine, our oldest daughter will be starting Kindergarten in the fall!! Yikes,time flies!!

  3. This boy is wonderful! We love him to pieces! We love the updated pictures, too!
    MOM G

  4. He's so, so cute! Thanks for all the photos. We can't wait to see LOTS more!

  5. Love the post and the pictures! Spence is one loved little boy! You all are doing such a great job...we knew you would! Hope to see you all real soon!

  6. So "Auntie" Chanda is wondering where the great pictures I took of little Spence are? You are great parents and I'm so happy to be able to share in the joys with you. I hope to visit with you again very soon. Maybe Spence can refrain from peeing and having a "blowout" on any other linens...;) I really like the "Boys Rock" picture but you know "Girls Rule", or at least they do in this house :)

  7. Thanks for writing this.
