Thursday, May 29, 2008

7 Weeks Old

Spencer and I enjoyed a long weekend together as a family for Memorial holiday, especially our trip to Alabama. It was fun to finally get out on the lake for the first time this year and ride jet skis. We appreciate the Thornton's letting us come down to crash in on their weekend. We enjoyed seeing the girls dance and watching them perform wonderfully. This was Lil' Spence's first long trip in a car over 45 minutes and he pretty much slept the whole time. Actually he has been a great sleeper and for the first time he slept through the night last night. I would love to say I did too, but I was so worried about him and making sure he was alright that until he finally woke up at 6:30 I was a bit nervous.

We love our little boy and love watching him change each day as he grows and develops. Tonight we performed a complete oral exam on him while he was sedated from another full day of adventures. Our findings were WNL (within normal limits) and there are no teeth present at this time. Additional evals to follow.


  1. Why was I cursed with a non-sleeping child? You'll eventually learn that he's alive . . . just enjoying some zzzz's. . . and then you'll be able to enjoy some sleep, too.

    You'll have to check Nate's mouth out in July. He's got two poking through!

  2. What a cutie!!! We just love seeing and holding him!!!
    MOM G
    Hard to believe he is already 7 weeks!
