Monday, October 26, 2009

Trip To Memphis

I must say we have the best kiddos in the world. We took an 8 hour trip to Memphis (one way) there and 8 back, and they did great. We only had to watch Barney 4 way! And 3 on the way back home. Oh well. You learn quick as parents that whatever makes your kid smile and happy on a long road trip, you will do. It's funny though that as you try to plan around "nap time", when it came time for him to go to sleep...uh no. He only took a 30 minute nap!

We had a great time visiting family and anyone would love seeing your grandfather holding a precious little baby and an energetic boy hanging off the side of him. Granddaddy was a trooper and we got to see him for a couple of days while we were there. We also went over to my aunt Carol's house to visit with my cousin and her daughter, Hollynn. She was the one who stayed with us over the summer break while her mom went through surgery. It was a nice visit and so good to see them. They were in desperate need of cheering up and there's nothing better than a newborn baby to do that. Spence and Jaidyn had a great time and brought lots of smiles and laughter to the room. It was a much needed trip for us and we packed more into one day than we ever imagined possible, but well worth it. We loved seeing aunt MaryJane and we appreciate the generosity of my aunt Bev and uncle Frank letting us stay with them. It was so nice to have the opportunity to see all of my family.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pictures! I can't believe how big Jaidyn is getting! I'm glad you have good kids and were able to have a good trip!
