Monday, October 12, 2009

Football Time In Tennessee!

Although our season has not been the best, it still feels good to beat Geogia, and actually witness it in person. I get to celebrate for a WHOLE YEAR!!! Spencer and I went to the game Saturday and I went with feelings of anxiety and nervousness for the vols, especially after they got beat by Auburn last weekend, at home. They played the best they have played all season on Saturday and I believe Georgia played the worst from all season. It was as you can see in Spencer's face, not a good day for Uga. It was "uga-ly" for the bulldogs, but I must say we enjoyed our time together and loved being in that football atmosphere again.


  1. Too fun! Football season is always a rollercoaster!
    MOM G

  2. I love Spencer's face during the game! I'm glad at least one of you had a good timne...I think it was going to turn out that way regardless of the score!
